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Information About Plastic Surgery Procedures

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Recovery Time
1 Week

Breast augmentation surgery (or augmentation mammaplasty) with saline or silicone implants enhances the volume, size, and shape of the breasts.

Recovery Time
1 Week

Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) removes loose skin and improves the position and firmness of the breasts for a more attractive, perky appearance.

Recovery Time
1 - 2 Weeks

Breast revision or implant replacement surgery may be needed or wanted to repair, change, or restore the results of breast augmentation surgery.

At Suzanne A. Trott, MD FACS, Dr. Trott offers breast implant removal with en bloc resection to remove the entire implant and scar tissue at once.

Recovery Time
1 Week

Breast reduction surgery (reduction mammaplasty) removes excess breast tissue to eliminate physical problems and make the upper body proportionate.

Recovery Time
1 - 2 Weeks

Breast reconstruction uses a variety of advanced techniques to re-build the breast after breast cancer or an accident for a natural look and feel.

Recovery Time
1 Week

Natural breast augmentation removes fat from the patient's body and grafts the purified fat to the breasts for a natural, long-lasting enhancement.

After weight loss surgery (or post-bariatric surgery) removes loose skin created by fast, significant weight loss for an improved body contour.

Aspen ultrasound rehab treatment can help to accelerate optimal post-procedure recovery for more effective healing after a number of surgeries.

Recovery Time
1 Week

Arm lift surgery (brachioplasty) removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms for well-contoured arms caused by weight loss or aging.

Body contouring surgery removes excess skin from one or more areas of the body to slim and re-shape the body to a firmer, more youthful appearance.

Recovery Time
1 Week

A Brazilian butt lift transfers excess fat from one area of the patient's body into the buttocks to improve the shape and fullness of the butt.

Recovery Time
1 Week

External labiaplasty corrects several concerns of the vaginal lips (labia minora), including appearance, hygiene, discomfort, and self-confidence.

Recovery Time
5 – 7 Days

The Menopause Makeover uses sculpting liposuction in the abdomen and flanks (midriff area) to address the fat that develops in women during menopause.

Recovery Time
1 – 2 weeks

A Mommy Makeover is a customized group of surgical and nonsurgical procedures that help restore a woman's body after pregnancy and childbirth.

Recovery Time
1 Week

Thigh lift surgery (also known as thighplasty) improve the contour of the upper leg by removing the excess, sagging skin from the inner thighs.

Recovery Time
1 - 6 Weeks

Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) removes the excess skin and fat from the stomach to eliminate stretch marks, slim the torso, and tighten the abs.

If you deal with loose skin after liposuction, set up a consultation at our practice to learn about Renuvion® nonsurgical skin tightening.

Tirzepatide weight loss injections allow patients to quickly and effectively lose weight. Treatments are fast, pain-free, and require no downtime.

AQUAGOLD Fine Touch is an innovative technology and technique that combines microneedling with wrinkle fillers or relaxers for optimal results.

The VI Peel is a pain-free, no-downtime chemical peel that can reverse the signs of acne, sun damage, and aging for fresh, rejuvenated skin.

Recovery Time
1 Week

Laser skin rejuvenation improves skin texture, while reducing the appearance of wrinkles, acne scars, and pores.

Pigmented skin conditions and lesions, like visible veins on the face and body, can be reduced or removed with laser vein removal treatments.

Microneedling creates micro-injuries in the skin, which are then filled with autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for improved healing and results.

Recovery Time

Let us safely lessen the sight of the pesky, unattractive spider veins (telangiectasia) on your legs & thighs with sclerotherapy treatments as needed.

Recovery Time

The Silhouette InstaLift™ is a scarless facial rejuvenation procedure that helps lift sagging skin and tissues of the lower face and neck.

RF microneedling with Potenza technology can treat photoaging, fine lines and creases, and dark patches for radiant, youthful-looking skin.

Facial fat reduction works to remove an amount of buccal fat from the cheeks for an overall slimmer, more defined facial profile.

Recovery Time
1 Week

A neck lift is a surgery that removes loose skin on the neck to create a tighter contour. It can be used with laser treatment for optimal results.

A blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper and lower eyelids in order to create an overall younger-looking appearance with diminished wrinkles.

A brow lift procedure helps to eradicate the experiencing of a drooping brow and can rejuvenate the face for a more youthful complexion.

A chin augmentation utilizes implants to recontour the jaw and face for a more desirable, prominent shape and facial profile.

Lip lifts are a great option for creating fuller, more appealing lips in order to better define your smile, providing your desired results.

A facelift procedure works to create a younger appearance by gently pulling and tightening the skin through a number of advanced surgical techniques.

BOTOX Cosmetic is an injectable wrinkle relaxer that temporarily relaxes the facial muscles for smoother, unlined skin that appears more youthful.

The popular Juvéderm collection of injectable dermal fillers treat specific age-related problems, from cheek and lip volume to lines and wrinkles.

The Restylane family of injectable dermal fillers (Silk, Lyft, Refyne, and Defyne) treat signs of aging, including volume loss, lines, and wrinkles.

Recovery Time
4 Days - 1 Week

Liposuction surgically removes stubborn pockets of fat from one or more areas of the face and body that cannot be reduced with diet and exercise.

Recovery Time
1 Week

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes excess breast tissue growth in the male chest that can be corrected with male breast reduction surgery.

A mal neck lift is a surgery that removes loose skin on the neck to create a tighter contour. It can be used with laser treatment for optimal results.

Male Liposuction surgically removes stubborn pockets of fat from one or more areas of the face and body that cannot be reduced with diet and exercise.

Male NanoYouth injections process fat from the patient's body, which can be used to rejuvenate the skin and correct issues like under eye circles.

NanoYouth injections process fat from the patient's body, which can be used to rejuvenate the skin and correct issues like under eye circles.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy takes the growth factors from your blood to rejuvenate your skin, restore hair growth, and promote healing.

Adipose cell transplants can be performed alone or with another procedure, like a facelift or liposuction, to improve healing and enhance results.

Energizing Vitamin B-12 Shots may boost your liveliness, mood and/or cognitive function with a quick, in-office injection as recommended by Dr. Trott.

Perk up your immunity, skin, and mood with the Beverly Hills Boost Vitamin IV infused with Vitamin C and Glutathione, which can heal and detoxify.

A Myers' Cocktail is an intravenous therapy used to help patient feel refreshed and hydrated through a blend of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

The Orbera intragastric balloon device is a two-part weight loss system designed to help patients lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.