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Announcing Our New Sunday Funday!

Per your requests, we will now be open one Sunday per month for Botox, Fillers, Laser, and Primary Consultation appointments. Join us for Sunday Funday :) XO, LQ


Speaker 1: Hi everyone. So, today I'm here to talk about logistics, just regular plain logistics of driving into the triangle in Beverly Hills during rush hour after work during the week to see you plastic surgeon. If you're watching this, it's probably me. Anyway, we've had a lot of people asking about opening up on the weekends and we've decided that we will open one Sunday a month, usually the last Sunday of every month where we will be offering Botox fillers, lasers and primary consultations for procedures. Sunday's a good day because you don't have to drive the kids around to soccer practice, usually you're not working and someone else can stay home with the kids. So, join us for Sunday fun day.