This twenty-two year-old Santa Monica woman had asymmetry of her breasts as well as a AA cup, and desired to be a small C cup. In the pictures on the right she is six months after bilateral augmentation mammaplasty with Mentor smooth round silicone gel high profile implants, size 250 cc through inframmamry incisions. The preoperative asymmetry was due to not only the left breast sitting lower on the chest wall with more ptosis so that the nipple was sitting lower, and also more projection on the left side due to the shape of the chest wall. (Usually the left side of the chest projects more than the right side because the heart is located a little to the left of center and the sternum and ribs stick out more there. It is impossible to completely six all of the asymmetry, but we were able to level out the nipples. Despite the preoperative asymmetry, the same size implants were used on both sides for multiple reasons. First of all, the patient herself did not see her breasts as asymmetric preoperatively. Secondly, unless breast sizes are extremely different (like one side is an A cup and one side is a B or C cup) using different size implants can increase the asymmetry because the bases and projections are different. The patient is thrilled with her result and is obviously enjoying it, as is evident from her tan lines.