About Arm Lifts
After substantial weight loss, weight gain, or simply from the effects of natural aging, skin on the upper arms can become inelastic, loose, and flabby, looking a lot like "bat wings." Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, removes excess skin and fat to reveal the toned contours of the upper arm. Dr. Trott’s approach will also remove that extra fold of skin in front of your armpit that sags over your bra. When necessary, she will combine the procedure with liposculpture (liposuction) of the arms. For less severe skin tightening, the brachioplasty (arm lift) procedure requires a short incision hidden in your armpit. However, most patients will require an incision that extends from the armpit (or axillae) to the elbow, on the inside of the arm. This scar is hidden when your arms are at your sides. Learn more about arm lift surgery at Suzanne A. Trott, MD, FACS in Beverly Hills, CA and how it can help you wear sleeveless and short-sleeved tops with confidence.
Arm Lift Reviews
Best Candidates
The best candidates for an arm lift procedure are men or women who have loose and hanging skin from the underside of the upper arm. This skin keeps these individuals from wearing short sleeves or fitted clothing. Patients must be at or near their goal weight, and their weight should be stable. This surgery is not reserved for weight loss patients alone. Patients who are in good health and wish to have their arms toned and tightened may also consider this procedure.
What to Expect
The goal of an arm lift is to remove excess skin and reveal a toned upper arm. The plastic surgeon will evaluate your skin quality and elasticity and determine how much fat, tissue and skin should be removed to attain the results the patient desires. The length of the incision made during surgery will vary. For example, patients who have healthy skin tone may only require a minor incision. Massive weight loss patients who present with excessively loose and hanging skin will require a more extensive approach. During surgery, the excess skin is trimmed and removed, and the underlying muscles are tightened. An armpit lift is sometimes incorporated during this procedure for patients who have additional skin and fat deposits within the armpit.
Other Considerations
Swelling is expected after arm lift surgery, although the amount of swelling varies among patients. The swelling starts to subside during the first 1 – 2 weeks after surgery. A compression garment or sleeve will usually be recommended to control this swelling and to keep the skin and tissue firmly protected. Most patients can resume moderate arm activity in 3 – 4 weeks, with a complete recovery about 4 – 6 weeks after the surgery. While all surgical procedures will leave some scarring, the incision resides under the arm so that it is not as noticeable. The surgeon will provide a scar treatment plan to help the incision(s) heal in a healthy and quick manner.

Reveal Your Toned Arms
If you are in the process of completing your weight loss journey, or if aging and gravity have caused loose skin to hang from your arms, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at our office to learn more about arm lift surgery. With significant experience and skill, we can create a tighter, more youthful-looking arms with lasting results.