About Myer's COcktail
If you are not feeling as peppy or happy as you think you should be feeling, our double-board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Suzanne Trott, can provide you with Myers' Cocktail. We offer consultations in our Beverly Hills, CA practice for this intravenous therapy to help you feel not so under the weather, or with depleted energy. Within 45 minutes, the Myer's Cocktail can help you feel amazing again. Named after the late Dr. John Myers who helped many chronically ill patients, this wellness cocktail can be tailored to your needs, whether it be for recovery from a hangover, dehydration, fighting infection, pain, allergies, depression, fatigue, and more. Dr. Trott would like to consult with you in her office to ask about your specific symptoms, medical conditions, medications, and all-around well being. Then, she will make a recommendation as to how the Myers' Cocktail can supplement your wellness.
What's in The Cocktail?
A Myers' Cocktail, also known as intravenous micronutrients therapy, is a blend of the following vitamins, minerals, and amino acids:
- Vitamin B-12
- Vitamin B Complex
- Vitamin C
- Calcium
- Glutathione
- Magnesium
- Zinc
- Amino acids
- IV fluids
What to Expect
You can expect to be in our office for 45 minutes for your Myers' Cocktail appointment. We will prepare your IV with the Myers' Cocktail as you settle into a comfortable chair to prepare for the IV drip. The needle for the IV will be inserted into your arm, and all you should do is relax while the medication enters your bloodstream. Dr. Trott may recommend that you return to our office for a Myers' Cocktail once a week for a month in the beginning, and then just once or twice a month for maintenance injections. Dr. Trott will also set up a specific schedule for you based on your needs, medical conditions, and symptoms.
Other Considerations
It is best to come to our office well hydrated and not hungry. You should drink plenty of water and eat a good meal before having the Myers' Cocktail administered. If you have the medication on an empty stomach, you may leave feeling faint or dizzy. Please let us know if you have any questions or feel like you are having a reaction to the infusion.

Plan Your Procedure
- Average Procedure Time
- 45 Minutes
- Procedure Recovery Location
- Outpatient
Make Time for a Cocktail
Call and schedule your appointment in our Beverly Hills, CA office today for a Myers' Cocktail. Have a new kind of happy hour with this blend of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. This IV therapy takes less than a lunch hour to administer. We look forward to hearing from you!