This thirty-four year-old Latina woman had tuberous breasts since development at puberty. She had what is a classic tuberous breast asymmetry, with a small C cup on the right and an A cup on the left. Preoperatively the left breast was triangular in shape and the right one hung like a sock. These are two examples of the tuberous breast spectrum. On the right she is two months after bilateral dual plane/subpectoral breast augmentation with a Mentor 275 cc high profile implant on the left and a smooth round moderate plus profile implant on the right with a right vertical mastopexy. Fat grafting from the abdomen and bilateral flanks was also performed to the left breast lower pole where there was no breast tissue originally and to the right breast upper pole to match the fullness of the larger implant on the left. The classic elements of a tuberous breast are: a tight lower pole, high inframammary crease and breast tissue herniated into the nipple areolar complex.