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My Norwegian Interview, Google Translate, and Pamela Anderson


My interview with Norway's largest news magazine, VG, was just released as a cover story! In the article, we chat about fat transfer to the breasts, the current trends in breast surgery, and whether or not "L.A. girls want Pamela-Anderson-breasts" (spoiler: they don't).

For those of you who don't speak Norwegian, no need to worry. We have an English translation below...sort of.

Luckily, VG's 2.5 million Norwegian daily readers won't be reading the English version provided by Google Translate. It's not an exact translation, to say the least. For example, I did not describe silicone implants as "so delicious to the touch." (I have no knowledge as to whether silicone implants are delicious).  And when I talk about "breasts," Google decided it was best to go with "tits" instead.

Nevertheless, you'll get the gist. And if not, Norwegian is the easiest language for English speakers to learn :)

Both versions are below. Proceed with caution!







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